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The Prince

I find it very interesting how Machiavelli is only focused on how to maintain power once one has it. The majority of the things that he talks about, acquiring new dominions, the civic principality, weather it is better to be feared or to be loved, etc. all have solutions that involve maintain a balance between good and evil so the public likes you but also fears you enough to listen to you. I found that this relates to the articles that we read for Tuesday about the leader and followers’ relationship and how truly important it really is. Although Machiavelli is focusing mostly on the prince in question, he is really talking about how to maintain power through leader and follower relationships.


I also found a lot of Machiavelli’s wording to be very interesting because when he was talking about weather being feared or loved is better, he said that the prince should “desire to be considered merciful and not cruel. He must, however, take care not to miss use this mercifulness” (119). This is Machiavelli’s way of saying that the leaders should have some compassion but not enough for the public to think that they are weak. I think that the way that he worded this, especially with the “to be considered” a very sly way of saying that the followers should be more or less tricked into thinking that the leader is merciful.


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One Comment

  1. Samuel Senders Samuel Senders

    I really enjoyed reading your post and agree with your idea that his wording is very interesting because he seems to contradict himself a little. Saying it is better to be feared than loved because he discusses how princes should strive to be merciful and not cruel. However if your too merciful you seem soft/weak and are less feared/respected by the people. It is a very difficult and hard line to see/judge.

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