In support of Law Student Well-Being Week, the Muse Law Library held two DIY mini-workshops on how to make your very own stress balls. The results were great, and students and faculty had a blast making their very own personalized stress balls.

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There is no denying that law school is stressful, and with the added anxieties of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can feel overwhelming. If you are feeling stressed out, depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, the University of Richmond is here to help you. Visit the UR Well-Being Center for more information about counselling and psychological services, health promotion, the student health center, university recreation, and disability services. Law school is a life-changing and transformative experience which comes with many ups and downs. We are here to provide the support you may need.

And if you did not get a chance to stop by the Library this week and make a stress ball, don’t stress! The instructions for making your own stress balls at home can be found right here:


De-Stressing with DIY Stress Balls for Well-Being Week

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