A Message from the Dean: Events in Charlottesville

The following message was sent to the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Richmond School of Law.

The recent events in Charlottesville are a harsh reminder that white supremacist ideology is not a historical relic. It’s an ideology that persists, and one that cannot be ignored.

The constitutional right of free speech allows all ideas to be spoken, no matter how hateful they may be. We should claim that same right to voice our rejection of such ideas and vehemently oppose racism and bigotry. Moreover, as lawyers, we have a unique responsibility to promote the values of equality that underlie our legal system.

As white supremacists try to sow dissension, it is my hope that the Richmond Law community will instead use this as an opportunity to unite. Unite behind an opposition to racism. Unite behind the principles of civil, non-violent discourse. And unite behind a strong commitment to establishing justice for all.