1810-1815, Correspondence, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Presbyterians
“One young woman had what I would call the whirling exercise…. It far exceeded anything of the kind I ever saw. I was told that she had had the jirks nearly 3 years…. Afterwards I remonstrated with some of them and cautioned them.”
1810-1815, Correspondence, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Western Reserve Historical Society
“For better than four months past, our meetings have been very powerful…mighty stompings & roarings against the flesh—violent jerking, rolling, & tumbling on the floor….”
1816-1860, Correspondence, Filson Historical Society, Methodists, Peter L. Maxey
“He is a thorough Methodist believes in all of the religious exercises after the straightest of the sect…. I shall not fall out with him for advocating the genuine Jerks….”
1816-1860, Correspondence
“What the real cause of this singular phenomenon is has been a matter of dispute. It seems to me to have been one of those demonical possessions which were so numerous in the days of the Savior and we…have reasons to believe that they still exist and not in small numbers.”
1816-1860, Correspondence, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Presbyterians, Uncategorized
“[T]he bodily exercise, and the disorders to which it gave rise were of unspeakable injury to the church in that day….”