Alternate Experience Theories in Action

Based on your interviews and/or shadowing, identify a theory that is relevant to describing the operation and effectiveness of the organization(s) with which your interviewees or those you are shadowing work. In particular, please include examples of behaviors from your interviews and/or shadowing that illustrate the theory and/or ways in which interactions demonstrate the theory. Given the circumstances related to COVID and the way that it has changed the nature of work at this time, you might consider the ways in which individuals are managing the changing nature of the pandemic and the way in which it has impacted how the organization operates day to day. EACH REFLECTION SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 350 WORDS.

Alternate Experience Leader/Follower RelationshipsAlternate Experience Organizational CultureAlternate Experience Theories in ActionAlternative Experience Solving Problems/Improving LeadershipOrganizational CategorySolving Problems/Improving LeadershipTheories in Action

Three Things You Need to Do for a Successful Post

Give your post a creative/distinct title. This will make it easier for you to discern when you look at all your

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