Theories in Action

Transformational Leadership at Three Ventures

While interning at Three Ventures, I have noticed how prevalent the Transformational Theory is with respect to the Principal.  The Transformational Theory of leadership illustrates how there is a reciprocal process with how a leader tries to meet the higher-order needs of their followers, which is what William Beatson does.  There are four different dimensions of the theory:  idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration.  Taking all of these dimensions into consideration, I feel as though William aligns with inspirational motivation the most.  This dimension emphasizes how a leader puts forth a vision to inspire their followers.  William Beatson embodies this inspirational motivation with me, as well as with his clients.  Even if it has not been a good day at work for him, he strives to end our phone calls looking and moving forward.  His positivity through leadership, in turn, motivates me to continue to work hard and make progress throughout this internship.  

An example of this inspirational motivation occurs at the start of every week when we make a plan after the weekend.  William presents exactly what has transpired since we talked, positively or negatively, and then enthusiastically lays out a plan for what we need to accomplish.  There have been some weeks where a client backs out on a contract, or a new one falls through, yet he still maintains this inspirational outlook for how we will move forward.  With respect to his clients, I have noticed this Transformational leadership while on conference calls, either listening in or contributing information.  One of the calls the client had a serious issue with a contract that he needed done, which seemed impossible and daunting to get processed in time.  Through the close and trusting relationship William builds with each client, he was able to come out with alternatives and propose people who could help.  He always creates an inspirational vision for the client and works them through all of the processes for how to get there.  The support that he continually provides and the positive attitude he continues to have by leading transformationally has been a great example to me throughout this internship so far.