Theories in Action

Transformational Leadership and emotional intelligence in Organization/ workplace

In my fifth week at my internship, I was able to observe the dynamics and different interactions among the marketing team and CEO at the OAAA. Especially during these trying times under the circumstances of the pandemic, it is very challenging to run a team effectively and remotely while at the same time still inspiring/ instilling motivation and proactiveness in a team. Witnessing this first hand is not something I expected. The head of the organization has shown a great deal of emotional intelligence and transformational capacities in her role as CEO. She fosters collaborative discussion while at the same time guiding the team towards success and productivity without explicitly saying so. In addition she inspires stronger performance by encouraging the team to find new projects or content to post for their members. As an intern I feel welcome to add new ideas or speak up because of how encouraging she is as a leader and welcoming she is of new ideas and young people speaking up. She engages me even though I’m lower on the totem pole as member of the marketing team. Having an encouraging leader has everything to do with  motivating others to do well and ultimately succeed. Seeing this in action rather than learning it in the classroom shows how transformational leadership in leadership positions make all the difference between a successful leader versus an ineffective failed leader. Being able to be a part of the team and contribute is also another aspect that shows. According the the definition, Transformational leadership is when leader uses inspirational motivation to persuade others to achieve a purpose as a collective group. In transformation leadership, the qualities of emotional intelligence play a major factor in how a leader leads. The components of emotional intelligence that I have observed in my leaders the OAAA organization are self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. These factors show how an effective leader succeeds with a team in guiding them to progress and have the desired outcome of the group. Addition this emotional intelligence shows the ability of a leader to monitor ones own emotions in order to guide thinking and action of a group.