Solving Problems/Improving Leadership

Teamwork and Collaboration are Essential to Solving Problems at LBC

With any sort of business or organization, there is always room for improvement. The team at Lowe, Brockenbrough & Company will be the first to tell you where they lag when it comes to promoting their business model. In other words, marketing is an area the firm could be more effective. Just about every employee has mentioned that they lack in the marketing department, but their reasoning for this is that they do not want to be the biggest, they want to be the best. Therefore, the majority of their business comes from referrals of families and friends that are current clients. While much of the business world is focused on statistics and strength in numbers, I find this perspective incredibly refreshing. This group of individuals are intelligent and well versed in their field, and are focused less on growing numbers and more on developing solid foundations of trust and transparency with clients.

While the company is faced with this particular issue of marketing and failing to meet a broader audience, it is somewhat justified by their quality over quantity perspective. However, as a leadership major, I have been able to recognize areas in which the company can grow and expand their knowledge to get their name out to a broader audience, without sacrificing the focus on quality services. This realization came about in extremely minor ways such as building a client questionnaire. While some of the tasks we are given can seem mundane at times, I am beginning to recognize how my projects will greater benefit the efficiency of the company as a whole, and make the process easier for clients to trust LBC. Another way my leadership studies degree has helped me is that I am realizing I am able to tackle the financial world with an organic view, having no other previous financial knowledge. While much of what I am learning is over my head at times, my leadership degree has given me the tools to ask appropriate questions to further my knowledge while I am here.

Additionally, teamwork and collaboration are a large emphasis at this firm. When a group gets together for a client meeting or a conference call, the debrief afterwards is the most interesting aspect in my eyes. This is the moment when the call is broken down and each member voices their opinions on what would best serve LBC. The way in which this group of people respects the thoughts and opinions of their colleagues harnesses an incredibly positive environment at the firm. Much of this respect stems from the common goal of working together so that LBC will find success. Ultimately, the members of LBC recognize they are not perfect. I think this ability for the employees to be self aware stems from the leadership that is represented throughout the company. Thus, allowing the employees to seek ways in which they can be more effective when  tackling their weaknesses and to recognize that by advancing some of these areas can help increase their overall efficiency.

One thought on “Teamwork and Collaboration are Essential to Solving Problems at LBC

  • Wow, you mention several things in here that I’d love to hear more about. Would love to hear you elaborate more (with specifics) about the organic view you bring and what that means/looks like, more about the survey you worked on and what you learned that seems to have given you ideas of how the company can expand it’s exposure, the leadership that has set the tone for employees to be self aware. All really interesting stuff, would love to hear more.

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