CEO: Connective Engagement Officer

One of the benefits of working at a small firm is the connectivity. You work with employees on a peer level, but you also interact heavily with people of varying levels of power. As an intern, I’ve worked with the other interns, consultants, senior consultants, vice presidents, and interacted with the president on multiple occasions. I am fortunate enough to have had these opportunities because it gives me keen insight into the leadership styles evident at the company. Since I have had the fortunate chance of observing these leaders, I want to talk about the person who holds the highest leadership position in the company, the president of KCIC.

It’s hard to classify one leadership theory or model that aligns completely with the president, but the first one that comes to mind is transforming leadership. Transforming leadership is all about satisfying the followers’ basic needs to then go on to raise their standards and find higher purposes. I can tell you exactly how the president encapsulates this model of leadership. He satisfies the needs of the followers (employees) by paying them fairly and giving the flexibility to work on their own time. He is very understanding of peoples’ situations and has a firm grasp on the reality that it can be difficult to balance work life and personal life. Thus, the company’s flexible working hours, along with the president’s relaxed demeanor, mediate the challenge of balancing work, family, and relaxation time. By taking away this stress, employees are able to fully immerse themselves in their work, finding the true value in their efforts. The president frequently engages with the whole company to remind us why the work we do is important. One of the first times I had a conversation with him, he told me that in this industry, there are often unrealistic demands from one side. KCIC is an imperative part of the process in mitigating those extreme demands which otherwise bankrupt companies, and on a larger scale, significantly impact the US economy negatively.

I think that by instilling values in his employees, the president successfully raises each of our standards of work and dedication. The reasons employees choose to work long hours, QC every little thing, and continuously strive for improvement is because we are aware of our significance. Because employees do not have to worry about typical work stresses, they raise their goals and standards.

This leadership style helps surmount challenges in the organization because of the mindset that has been instilled in each of the employees. The president encourages all to come forward with any suggestions or concerns, fostering an open environment for communication. If there is a problem that seems unsolvable, everyone is driven to work towards finding a solution if for no other reason than making the world a better place.