Adding Value to KDC/One

As I reach the one month mark at my internship, it is a rewarding exercise to look back on my contributions to the Innovation Lab. Each week, my tasks have been slightly different but mostly hover around the theme of “market research”. Before meetings, the marketing team needs to prep for their presentation by researching what is out there in the market and where white space exists. To assist with the pre-meeting work, I have made several presentations for my supervisor and other employees. I have done product research including searching through editorials and retailers to find every product in a certain category and compare their various attributes. I have also completed the same task with brand research. These presentations help my superiors with understanding the market landscape and knowing which direction to take the meeting.

Expanding on these projects, I completed a more in-depth study of cultural trends in China, focusing on the beauty/retail market, consumer trends, and opportunities within the market. This study was done through trend forecasting services, in addition to other articles and retail sites. For me, these projects have been very helpful in teaching me about the industry and how to find opportunities within a certain market.

The VP in my office, along with the Director of Product Development have mentioned giving me the opportunity to create my own makeup product from start to finish. I would be able to come up with a makeup idea, design it, and develop it with the team of chemists into a physical product. If this can come to life, I would have a project to put into my portfolio, showing what was able to come from my internship experience. More importantly, I would be able to contribute directly towards creating the makeup line for the next trade show. I would provide my team with a new perspective. I recognize how unique of an experience this is and how lucky I am to have the opportunity to contribute so greatly to my organization.

In order to secure this opportunity, I will be sure to check back in this coming week. I will express my interest in the project and continue to prove to them, through the other work I am doing, that whatever product I make will add value to their organization.

One thought on “Adding Value to KDC/One

  • Wow, designing your own beauty product, that is pretty cool! Not sure we’ve had a Jepson intern during my ten years who had the chance to do that. Do you think that brining a new pair of eyes to the team – eyes that have not been mired down in the industry for many years – you’re able to identify opportunities that your colleagues may not see? Were there particular skills or experiences you drew on when completing the market research you’ve done thus far?

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