Author Archives: Dr. Watts

Sieyes is making drastic assumptions

I agree with the idea that we as the people need to be given more freedom, but I worry about some of the more drastic assertions he made such as “If the privileged orders were removed, the nation would not be worse off for it, but better.” (Sieyés, What is the Third Estate?, D&M, 4).

–Adeleine Brodeur, mistress seamstress to the court of Versailles

The nobility is holding us down!

The nobility continues to hold us down. To quote the Memoir of the Princes of the Blood, “May the Third Estate therefore cease to attack the rights of the first two orders; rights which, no less ancient than the monarchy, must be as unchanging as its constitution” (Dwyer and McPhee, 11). I ask what rights we have? What are we living except to be shot or starved?

— Ambre, Parisian fishwife

Sieyes speaks the truth!

At one time I was yearning for the meeting of the Estates General in May, but after reading this I cannot help but think the meeting will be in vain. One of Sieyès phrases in particular stood out to me. It reads: “What agreement can be hoped for between the energy of the oppressed and the rage of the oppressors?” (Sieyès, D&M 4). He is right! There will be no compromise that will favor us all. It is nearly useless for us to believe that the King and his henchmen will consider our grievances valid. We can expect them to listen to reason.

— Adriette, a portrait artist to the nobility