Chapter 10 + 11

After reading the chapter on job satisfaction and success, I think the information presented makes a lot of sense. Being unhappy in your job will definitely cause stress and in some cases, feelings of depression or inadequacy. All of these factors contribute to health risks and may cause health issues.

I found the section on matching between skills/passions and occupation actually quite surprising. I think that the initial thought for most, including myself, would be that if there’s dissonance between what you are predisposed to do as an occupation and what you end up doing, that is definitely going to cause some stress or lack of direction in your life. It was very refreshing to hear that the researchers actually didn’t find that sort of relationship. This leads me to think about how college and even high school students freak out so much over what school they’re going to go to or what they’re going to do with their lives. This chapter basically says that job aptitude tests are obsolete and that rather, it’s your personality that will determine how successful you are in the career that you end up pursuing.

I found the chapter on religion a little bit worrisome. The researchers came to the conclusion that for women, religion is a significant predictor of age. This gives me some grief because I’m actually atheist and don’t believe in any sort of religion. However, on that note, I do not find myself feeling as though I am lacking something greater than myself for guidance and support. I’m totally comfortable with my mindset and how I approach life. Therefore, it makes me nervous to think that I may end up dying young simply because of a life choice that I have made.

On the other hand, towards the end of the chapter the researchers start to discuss that maybe it’s not the religious aspect that is a predictor of longevity, but rather, the traits that seem to go hand in hand with being a religious person. This conclusion, to me, makes more sense. Typically, traits of religious people include: compassion, kindness, acceptance, and conservative behaviors. All of these, in some way, relate to the fostering of healthy interpersonal relationships and healthy individual behaviors, which are predictors of longevity. So as for this chapter, I think a better conclusion may have been to focus on the traits that religious people seem to share, rather than simply the fact that they are religious.

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One Response to Chapter 10 + 11

  1. Amelia Updike says:

    I had the same thoughts that you have in your second paragraph. I thought it was satisfying to know that your personality will determine if you are content with your job and can enhance your job satisfaction. I think you are less likely to be stressed when you are in an occupation that matches your personality. I think this also makes the job search easier, when you are exploring jobs compatible with your interests and personality.
    I think your paragraph on religion is interesting, and I believe that if you are content with your beliefs then you will not necessarily live a shorter life. If you do not think that you are lacking something greater in your life then you are content and satisfied with your current beliefs. Everyone has different religious beliefs and I do not think that one belief will lead to greater longevity. I agree with your last paragraph, and how that section of the chapter provides more insight into religion and characteristics that religious people possess. Individuals who are not religious can still possess compassion, acceptance, and social relationships.

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