Chapters 8 and 9

In chapters 8, the authors discuss how fitness effects health. Unsurprisingly, they found that physical fitness positively affects health by lowering many the likelihood of many chronic diseases. What was surprising, however, was that the individuals have different levels of exercise that is best for them. In other words, the amount of fitness that I need to do to stay fit can be different for a different individual. The authors also found that active children tend to be more active adults, which means these individuals tend to be healthier. However, it was found that adults that were not as active as kids but transitioned to active adults are just as healthy in adulthood as the adults that had always been active. Most people do not enjoy jogging for the fun of it, and the authors find that the net benefit of jogging for a day is very slim. The time spent jogging will cancel out with the years gained later. Chapter 9 discusses the myth that “married people live longer.” The authors found this to only be half accurate. Married men tend to live longer than divorced men, but there is not much of a difference seen in married women and divorced women. The authors found that a second marriage can almost completely negate the hardship of a divorce if the second marriage is successful. The myth that “happy wife equals happy life,” was debunked by the authors. Happier husband tended to equate to a more comfortable home, while a happier wife did not have much of an effect in this study.

The first chapter seemed like common sense to me. I have always been active, since the day I was born. I thought it only made sense that different individuals will require different levels of fitness, because of biological differences. It also seemed obvious that more reserved children can grow to be active adults, which would lead them to be just as healthy as adults that were active as children. I did not feel like I got much out of Chapter 8, as it all just seemed pretty obvious. I can not speak much on chapter 9 because I have not been married or divorced. The only thing I found surprising, was that a happier husband was found to be more predictive of a happier marriage. However, I wonder if that is only true because of the period, in which the study was conducted. Women have gained a lot and become the breadwinner in many of households today, so I wonder if the statement of  “happy wife, happy life” is more accurate today.

I plan to apply both chapters in my future. I am still very active and would like to remain pretty physically fit or at least reasonably busy, my entire life. While I do not see myself going on long jogs for the fun of it, I do see myself doing some form of cardio and working out to stay in shape. Maybe even joining some older individual sports leagues, if my body can withstand it. I would get a lot more out of those, than jogging for an hour a day. I also would like to only get married once, and never worry about divorce. Divorce would negatively affect my health more than it may affect a woman. While that’s only increased the incentive to stay married, I generally just want to be happy with the woman I decide to settle down with on the first try. Emphasis on first.

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