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The Toyota Corolla – Storymap

The Toyota Corolla has been a popular commodity ever since its first year of production. The vehicle takes shape across several different places around the globe before being sold at a car dealership. Many people in the United States believe that purch…

How Globalization Affects the Colombian Coffee Region

This is a consumption map focusing on the Colombian coffee region. The global coffee economy has great influence in the lives of the residents of the Colombian coffee region. The region has experienced both the positive and negative effects of the gl…

Removing the Peel: The Story Behind Bananas

Benjamin Pomerantz
Bananas are the fourth-most popular agricultural product in the entire world, and  they have become a staple in our diets.  We eat banana splits, we put sliced bananas in our cereals and salads, and we eat entire bananas by themsel…


I chose Cow Consumption. Concentrating on beef consumption from a global perspective but using the case study of the US. First, discovering when we decided to turn Cows into domestic goods and how perfect a commodity they were. Second, understanding wh…