Maggie’s StoryMap

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots.”

-Marcus Garvey

Whenever I travel, I always make a point of trying to do a variety of different excursions.  In each stop, I try a new activity, taste a new food, or visit the local attractions.  One of the most fascinating parts of visiting a new place is discovering not only the modern culture, but the historical culture of the site as well.  I love learning about ancient societies, what kind of people lived there hundreds, or even thousands, of years ago, and how things have changed over time.

Studying history is extremely important for all people, not just a select few in Academia.  A nation’s past can reveal volumes about its current culture, which is, as globalization becomes a more widespread phenomenon, becoming even more important.  Experiencing cultural differences is the key to overcoming prejudice and building tolerance for people different than me.  I believe there is intrinsic value in the people, things, and ideals that constitute a nation’s history.  By examining the past and current culture of my travel destinations, I become a more knowledgeable person; as a member of the human race and a citizen of this planet, I feel that is my duty to do this.

This StoryMap highlights some of my favorite places in the world I have visited that have an interesting historical narrative.


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