Zi’s Storymap

This map indicates several significant places that witness the transformation in my life so far and illuminate the path I’ve been through that led me to a global citizen.

Looking back to my life, I’ve been set my foot on varies places in my country and, later, the world-from Asia to Europe to America. Connecting all these dots together, a clear pattern stands out and explains the original intention that led me to those places – study. Those dots line up and pave out a road that leads me to the bridge of becoming a global citizen. Recalling all those movements, I cannot remember any single of them I made without an intention of seeking an academic improvement. A pure journey or traveling or vacation have never been purposes for me or my parents.My first foreign country I’ve ever been to was Germany, and the purpose was to participate a piano competition. So was the purpose for visiting England, Greece, Austria, Japan, and so on. In 2013, I visited several countries in south Asia to take the SAT exam, since there was no SAT testing center in Mainland China due to policy of Education Bureau. It might simply be a normal way of growing an Asian kid might experiences. However, the fact that I could never totally relaxed and throw myself to the enjoyment of a journey never bothers me. Rather, I’m grateful that how academia has taken me so far and now, here in America.For me, the journey of academia inadvertently and gradually transformed me into a global citizen.