Benedict’s Storymap

The pounding beat of Rock and Roll, or the soaring melodies of a great Symphony are where I can find freedom and sanctuary, peace and anger, and love and hate. Music is a huge part of my identity, and it has played a crucial role in my life as I developed into the person that I am today. The music that I play on my instrument or listen to every day originates from all over the world. Some of my favorite artists are from very near by in the United States, but many others created their music in Western Europe or Russia, and some of the music has reached me all the way from Istanbul. The influence of the region in which an artist works can be heard in their music, and through their music I can catch a brief glimpse of the culture in the artist’s location. This Storymap takes us to these locations and tells a little about the artists from each location, and the influence that they have had on me. The story begins with the composers that first began to shape my musical identity as a young child, and then travels through the other locations in the order that those artists entered my life.

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