4 thoughts on “Sara Milano’s Presentation

  • Regenia Miller

    I liked this alot— great work! Thank you for sharing.

  • Anna Marston

    I’d read about the story of Sirlilar Stokes while conducting research for a project in my Critical Thinking class and how solitary confinement is not conducive to anyone, and especially people suffering from a mental health condition. It is so heartbreaking and I wish more attention was brought to policymakers about this practice. It makes me wonder where control and power dynamics come into play when sentencing a prisoner to solitary confinement for acting out or not abiding by rules.

  • Sara:
    Wow. That clip made the entire presentation. One can infer from the interview that Sirlilar was likely in a psychotic state when she committed the murder. In Cohen’s Boundaries of Blackness, she writes about a concept called secondary marginalization. Here is a quote from an abstract by Amanda Armstrong at https://scholar.oxy.edu/urc_sstudent/1036/:
    Secondary marginalization is a process of exclusion of a subgroup of a marginalized community that functions outside the normative rules that determine community membership and power. Within the black community, this includes women and gay men, two of the groups most highly afflicted with HIV/AIDS. In 2008, blacks have the highest rate of new HIV infections. Stratification among marginal group members targets the most vulnerable in the group in exchange for the progress of the whole. I looked specifically at the impact of secondary marginalization on black women. The ideologies surrounding black women suggest that they are promiscuous, poor, and drain the welfare system. Popular media has shown a rise in images of promiscuous black women in the last ten years. Mass media outlets, such as the Los Angeles Times, have also shown a rise in articles on black women and poverty, welfare, crime, and drug use. In an attempt to distance the black community as a whole from the negative images of black women, the crises of black women go largely ignored. This is reflected by the decline of articles on HIV/AIDS in black womens’ indigenous magazines. Finally, in 2008, little has changed in the black community’s response to the HIV/AIDS crisis via funding or education programs.

  • Avery Wasson

    Sara, I loved this presentation!! I am really interested in mental health as a whole so I thought this was a great topic to analyze.

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