Robert Owen’s idea society and philosophy to education

Robert Owen’s idea society:

  • Owen wanted to design a new world of perfect humankind where it attains all universal goodness, wisdom, and happiness and withdraws all unkindness for human through the social reformation. He believed that the social reform is a steady process, and the only one feasible means of effecting such change is good, universal education which the government had the duty and power to make available.


  • He used New Lanark and New Harmony for his experiment.


Owen’s philosophy toward education

  • Owen’s education philosophy is based on a firm conviction that man can readily control and change environment conditions and forces which influence human nature and conduct. He believed that creating a favorable environment would result in a desirable character. The best way to achieve this idea would be to organize controlled communities in which all negative influence would be removed so that ethical character would be molded by carefully planned specifications. Under this circumstance, Owen’s education system in New Lanark and harmony conducted philosophies of education from Owen: the aim of society, the character education and reeducation for adults.


  • He considered education, not as a method of academic instruction but primarily as a way of achieving social reform. So his educational philosophy is more focusing on communities rather than individuals.