2 thoughts on “Sample Essay 8”

  1. – differnces in culutres not only real but basic. many differnces in views which are products of centures. more fundimental then policial party. differences between cultures often, but not always have the longest conflucts
    -world becoming smaller and so interactions between cultuers are growing more and cultures are becoming concious of differnces.
    -economic modernization and social changer are sperating people from there local identities giving people a weaker nation-state identity. world religoing can fill that void and turn people into fundamentalist. religiong provides a basic for identity and commitment which unites people reguardless of national boundaries
    -civilizatoins concesus enhanced by western sucess, the more powerful the west grows the more non wester cultures turn to roots
    -charactersitics and differences are less easy to compromise then policical or econmic ones, you cant be asked to choose sides with religion.

  2. Furthermore—
    Differences in culture are the products of centuries of cultural and social change… the world is becoming smaller and cultures are becoming more conscious of their differences as they come into closer and closer contact with one another. Huntington states in this theory that the source of conflict in the post-Cold War world will be these differences in culture and religion that civilizations have with one another. He goes on to say that the West’s firm belief in the universality of its values and its desire to spread democracy throughout the world will antagonize many nations who will then begin to side with one of the two other major civilizations that are emerging on the world stage– Islam (with many people) and China (with much economic influence). Huntington foresees much conflict as countries start to bandwagon with one of these 2 civilizations other than the west.

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