4 thoughts on “Peace of Westphalia”

  1. Commonly referred to as the Treaty of Westphalia and established in 1648, this is what the modern international system is dated from. Its primarily establishes the principles of independent, sovereign states that continue to shape the international system today.

  2. Very good. In fact, there are two treaties that collectively create the Peace, but that’s not necessary for the final. Also, it is a peace established among European states.

  3. The Peace of Westphalia marked the end of the Thirty Years’ War and the Eighty Years’ Wars. It is the first example of a modern diplomatic congress. The end result of these talks is that each sovereign state has the right to determine the religious practices with in its borders. This sets the general precedent that only a country’s government can control the actions of its people, a notion that could help explain the lack of success by the League of Nations and the more modern UN.

  4. Marking the end of the Thirty Years' War in 1648, this peace established among European states created the modern state system. It primarily established the principle of "territorial sovereignty" (many independent, sovereign states, each of which has a government in control over the actions of its people)

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