4 thoughts on “International Criminal Court”

  1. This was established in 1998, and is a permanent tribunal to persecute individuals throughout the world who commit crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes. Although it is important to have an international governing body, the ICC has problems with legitimacy, as countries must ratify a treaty in order to join the court. Slobodan Milosovic is being persecuted for war crimes and genocide, yet he does not acknowledge the court as a legitimate body and therefore does not accept his charges.

  2. 4/4. You could also refer to al-Bashir of Sudan (related to Darfur) but I’m content with one examples as well.

  3. The official seat of the court is the Hague, Netherlands although its proceedings can take place anywhere. The ICC has trouble with its legitimacy due to its jurisdiction of the court. The court is meant to be a last resort, investigating and prosecuting where national courts have failed. This is a complicated rule since usually the national court, under the government of the state will not pursue such crimes against humanity because it is usually the state committing such crimes. Also territorial jurisdictions is limited in that the court can only exercise jurisdiction with the permission of either the person accused of committing the crime’s national or state party, the territory or region where the crime took place, or with referral from the UN Security Council. Therefore, if the home state does not want to prosecute the alleged criminal, it can protect him/her from the ICC’s jurisdiction making it difficult for the ICC to go after many crimes against humanity. For example, when al-Bashir travelled to Chad and Kenya, despite being member states, neither turned him over to the ICC.

  4. Established in 1998, a permanent tribunal to persecute individuals throughout the world who commit war crime, crimes against humanity and genocide. ICC has problems with legitimacy because countries must ratify a treaty in order to join the court. Milosovic of former Yugoslavia is being persecuted for war crimes and genocide

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