Lyrics up in smoke

Snoop is at it again.  This time, he is advertising a new book of lyrics to some of his most famous songs.  Another Anthology of Rap?  Not quite.  What distinguishes this book is that it is printed on removable rolling papers, and the outside of the binding has a striking surface perfect for matches. You’ve got to give Snoop credit for tenacity and consistency–he has long supported the legalization of marijuana, to the point that he recently expressed support for libertarian Ron Paul for President because of Paul’s pro-legalization stance.  Now he’s found a new way to combine his love of pot with his love of rap…

I think most rational people, regardless of political perspective, see at least some wisdom in legalizing marijuana, which is why I predict we will see significant progress on this issue over the next decade.  Until that happens, however, it will be interesting to see how people like Snoop continue to push the boundaries, even when that means getting arrested, as he did in Texas earlier this year.