Arrested Development: “I’m Disillusioned With Obama”

Speech from Arrested Development:

Honestly, I’m disillusioned with, generally, politics. And I feel disillusioned with some things that Obama has done, especially with the wars. At the same time, I like him. I’ve met him and I like him as a person.


I’ve really been refreshed by Ron Paul. That’s probably been my favorite candidate lately.

Really, Ron Paul? I wonder if Speech has had a chance to read any of Paul’s old newsletters…

One thought on “Arrested Development: “I’m Disillusioned With Obama””

  1. Whether Ron Paul is/was really a racist, and if he is popular among racist hate groups seems like a smokescreen from the right to stop Paul from fracturing the GOP. They need a clear frontrunner and a unified party to beat Obama in 2012. Ron Paul is a threat to that because he appeals to the ideology of the Republican base more than the moderate candidates like Romney.

    That said, I don’t particularly like Paul, though there are some interesting YouTube videos from black folk who really, really like him (besides Snoop Dogg).

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