When Rap Lyrics Stand Trial

I just wrote this article for The Root on the use of rap lyrics in criminal trials.  I am hopeful that it will help shine a spotlight on the (mis)use of art to put people in jail…

3 thoughts on “When Rap Lyrics Stand Trial”

  1. I personally think rap lyrics should be used in trial because often times it’s lyrics that teach kids to do crimes, rapper names like C-Murder (C-Murdah) etc and violent lyrics often give young people ideas similar to how Grand Theft Auto 4 gave young people ideas to go commit crimes.

    – Andy

  2. Thanks for your comment. For the record, Corey Miller chose the name C-Murder to reflect his very rough environment, not endorse murder. He could “see” (or “C”) murder happening all around him. In any case, after the name was used against him in court (and he was put away for life despite a lack of physical evidence) he decided to change it. He’s now C-Miller.

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