Rush whines about hip hop

Apparently Rush Limbaugh has decided it’s unfair that he is getting in hot water for calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” and “prostitute” since rappers say similar things about women in their lyrics and, according to Rush, don’t get in trouble for it.  Of course the problem is that rappers regularly get called out for it.  The other problem is that while rappers usually degrade fictionalized women or women in the abstract (which is still not OK, mind you), Rush trained his sights on an actual woman who dared speak her mind in a public venue and launched a deeply personal attack on her character.

In any case, it’s good to see that Rush is taking responsibility for his actions.  I felt that his apology was genuine, and this pretty much confirms it.

Obama Nation Part II

Arguably the harshest rebuke of the Obama administration from within the hip hop community, “Obama Nation Part II” takes some pretty surprising shots Obama, including M1’s claim that he’s “a master of disguise, expert at telling lies.”  British grime artist Black the Ripper’s argument–“He’s sittin’ in the White House, so who cares if he’s black”–has been articulated before by groups like deap prez and Immortal Technique, suggesting that anyone occupying the American presidency is a tool for larger white interests.  But this song takes things further, asserting that Obama himself is a more-than-willing participant in the epic trick being pulled on America.  Some tough stuff here.

A nod to Travis Gosa, who brought this one to my attention.