Week 10

One thing I kind of liked from class last night was the chance to practice working on our lesson plans in class. However, I think it might have gone better if we were given the chance to do a workshop of sorts instead of a prescribed lesson plan. If we were given time to work on our own biography lesson plan and the opportunity to discuss ideas with you guys and our neighbors, I feel like the session would have been much more productive and relatable. That way we could have concrete guidance on something that is actually going to be turned in and we would still get the support of our peers for that time frame. I would personally like to bounce ideas specific to my lesson plan off of my tablemates without feeling like I’m distracting them from what we’re assigned to be working on. It seemed like a lot of our discussion time was discussing what we wanted to do for our lesson plans anyway, which took time away from the prescribed lesson plan.

One thought on “Week 10”

  1. Marlea, I appreciate your honest response. I can see value in your suggestion. I do hope you and Sarah had a good discussion about lesson planning and that it helped you with new ideas. I will take into account your suggestion about working on your actual lesson plan and see if we can blend that into our class time on Tuesday. Thank you for your thoughtful reflection.

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