Egyptian Identity

National identity of Egypt

Creation of the first dynasty

The creation of the first dynasty under Menes around 3000 BC was the beginning of an empire. During this period, hieroglyphics began to appear as society begins to become organized in Egypt. It set the tone for the future of Egypt and set the foundation for how Egypt is today.

The Nile River

The Nile River was fundamental to Egypt’s success as a civilization. As it served as one of Egypt’s only large sources of water, it is not surprising that mostly every city was built near it. When the Nile would flood, it would fertilize the land thus allowing for the cultivation of crops in the region. The Nile also boosted Egypt’s economy through trade routes and protection from barbarians. It was not solely important to Egypt for its economic use, however. The Nile was sacred to their faith in Ancient Egypt. Egypt wouldn’t have been able to prosper and progress without the Nile River. 

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Lighthouse at Alexandria is a fundamental structure and piece of architecture to Egyptian history. Although it was damaged on multiple occasions and is completely destroyed now, it served as a representation of Egypt’s power and strength. In fact, this structure serves as the quintessential lighthouse for architects today. It was built in the 3rd century BCE and completed by Ptolemy II. Although the large Egyptian fort of Quaitbey has been built over the landmark, it is important not to forget the importance and beauty of the lighthouse that once stood there.

The Pyramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza is the resting place of King Khufu who ruled from 2589 BCE until 2566 BCE, during the fourth dynasty of Egypt. This landmark stands 455 feet tall and is the oldest of the seven wonders of the world. Pyramids were an essential part of Egyptian culture, as they were not always actual tombs, but were monuments dedicated to the life of a ruler.

Ancient Egyptian Temples

It seems that the ancient Egyptian temples go unnoticed due to the popularity of the pyramids, but in my opinion, they are of equal importance. Many Ancient Egyptian temples continue to stand today in ruins because they were built in stone. These have been some of the most important factors in the acquisition of knowledge about Ancient Egypt because of their elaborate design as well as their specific dedication, often only to one deity of a specific region. 

The Sphinx of Giza

The Sphinx of Giza is another well-known statue that came out of Ancient Egypt. It depicts a reclining sphinx, a mythological creature with a lion body and human head made out of limestone standing 66 feet tall. It faces directly from West to East and stands on the Giza plateau on the West Bank of the Nile. This is an iconic form of architecture and I’m sure all Egyptians are proud to represent this. 

The Crusades in Egypt

The crusades in Egypt was another major turning point for Egyptian history. Crusaders invaded Egypt from 1154-1169 during Fatimid Egypt. The crusaders were repulsed as Egypt prevailed in defense of their land. This led to Saladin becoming Sultan in 1171 and the inevitable defeat of the crusader states in Jerusalem. This was massively influential to the future of the nation. 


Cairo is the capital of Egypt and is along the Nile. It’s a very populated city and contributes a lot to Egypt’s economy with the production of goods and trade. It houses many universities and is a center of learning and education. It is also a center for Egyptian culture and a place where many Arab movies are filmed.  It holds many famous historical structures, such as the Giza Pyramids Complex and the Sphinx. When people around the globe think about Egypt, I’m sure one of their first ideas that comes to mind is the city of Cairo.


Cleopatra was a powerful woman in Egypt at a time where women were seen as inferior. She became queen at the age of 18, but was forced to exile due to conflicts with her brother. She ended up garnering a strong army and eventually took back her empire with Caesar, and later Mark Antony. She was very deciding in terms of the historical impact she’s made on the political aspect of things in Egypt.

The Book of The Dead

The Book of the Dead is an ancient Egyptian text that is made up of a collection of spells that are believed to protect and guide a soul through their afterlife. The Book is written on papyrus scrolls and is put in the tombs of the dead. This is important because it determined the way ancient Egyptians lived their lives because they wanted to have a happy afterlife. This book is hugely influential in the spiritual sense of identity in Egypt.

The Egyptian Flag

This is Egypt’s revolutionary and liberation flag. The red band symbolizes the Egyptians’ blood in the war against colonization. The white band symbolizes the purity of the Egyptian’s heart. The black band below the white, symbolizes the manner in which darkness is overcome. This flag stands for everything that Egypt does, and I definitely feel that the Egyptian people are proud to represent it. 

Islam – Dominant Religion

Islam is the dominant religion in modern-day Egypt, totaling 90 percent of the population identifying as a part of Islam. The majority of Egyptian Muslims identify as Sunni and follow the Maliki school of jurisprudence, though all legal schools are represented. Representing the vast majority of the population, I am sure these people are very proud of the religion they live by. 


My American Identity

The Identity of American History

The American Flag

The American Flag, for me, embodies everything America stands for. When any individual lays eyes on this symbol of patriotism and national identity, they should understand that it represents unity, strength, freedom, and many other American privileges. This flag represents what our country stands for and truly embodies the idea of being an American. I feel proud every time I take a step on the baseball field and get to respect the flag.

The Declaration Of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was a major turning point in history. The declaration of Independence, followed by the Bill of Rights symbolize freedom and the right to free will in America. Prior to the drafting and signing of this declaration, America was under strict provisions and restrictions by their mother country, Britain. With the implementation of this agreement, our country moved towards the goal of freedom and it laid out the foundation for all the privileges we have today. I am proud to say that this is what allows me to go outside and freely breathe fresh air and live out my life the way in which I want to.

The Civil War

Another reason I am extremely proud to be an American citizen is because of the sense of unity I feel in my everyday life. From playing baseball, to attending a University, to the broad idea of being a member of society, the sense of togetherness is abundant to me. In this country, people of all colors are welcomed (for the most part in my opinion) and this is because of the forward movements that the civil war allowed to come about. This war was a major shift for America and I feel a sense of national identity and unity with everyone because of it.

Jackie Robinson – First African American to make the major leagues

Being a college baseball player and an avid fan of the sport, I strongly support anything Jackie Robinson related. He was the first black male athlete to make a major impact in the major leagues, or any professional sport much less. He opened the door for many disadvantaged individuals in years to come and I am very proud to play the sport that he did, representing the values and integrity that he did. Not every country allows for those of different ethnicities and races to participate in the same activity, and I am extremely grateful and proud to live in a country that does.

9/11- Bombing of The Twin Towers

This is a photo of the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11th, 2001. Although this is a photo of tragedy, it brings me great national pride and pride in my identity as an American. The way this nation has responded to such a gruesome act of violence is truly remarkable and the efforts made by millions of individuals nationwide following the event has allowed for us to progress in such an amazing way over the past 19 years. The grit, and perseverance that this photo embodies, for me, make me extremely gracious and proud to live in this great country and those are two characteristics that I strive to live by every day.

Neil Armstrong – First man to walk on the moon

Americans pride themselves on many things, but to me, this photo is one of the greatest achievements our country has ever had. For years prior to this, nations had attempted to reach the moon, and after just a few short years of research, America sent the first man to the moon. I am proud to live in a nation that is at the top of the line in gaining knowledge, technology, and all in all wits. The fact that we were able to accomplish this before other nations who worked at the same pace speaks measures about how great America truly is.

Barack Obama elected in 2008

In 2008, the first black President ever was elected. Barack Obama becoming the president was a testament to the advancements our country has made in terms of equality. Some other countries would never allow something like this to happen but I feel blessed to live in a democratic society that gives everyone a chance and allows everyone to have the same achievable goals. It gives me personally tons of hope to think that I can achieve any goal I set my mind to.

The National Anthem

The national anthem, which is the song that truly identifies America was originally a poem. The poem was later set to music and officially became the National Anthem in 1931. It is a heart wrenching and awe-inspiring song every single time it’s played whether at the Olympics, other sporting events, or public gathering. It is sung with great American pride and represents all those who have fought to preserve our freedoms

The Great Depression

The Great Depression is the single largest and most impactful economic recession in modern history. It took place from 1929 until 1939 and peaked at a staggering 25% unemployment rate that caused nearly everyone to struggle for money. The impact of the Great Depression lead to the Americans joining the Allied powers in World War II, in part to help bolster their economy, while helping to defeat the Nazis. The fact that America was able to prosper following this time period is another telling sign of how resilient this country is.

World War 2

World War Two was a defining point in United States history. The United States was challenged and rose to the occasion by defeating Japan. A new era of Patriotism arose from the war as people united on the homefront to win the war. The United States also showed the world its capability with the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Japan as they became feared on the world stage by adversaries.

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, surprisingly, is not American. It was built in France in the late 1800s and offered as a gift, the Statue of Liberty has embedded itself in American culture as a symbol of independence and acceptance. The thousands of immigrants who arrived in the United States by way of Ellis Island saw Lady Liberty as a beacon of hope when they entered New York Harbor by sea.

American Music

From jazz, blues, country, bluegrass, Americana, and my personal favorite Hip Hop; these genres are just a few examples of American musical innovation. These distinctly American styles developed in different areas of the country and have taken on international importance as they grew increasingly popular. Our American music is listened to be people worldwide, showing the influence we have on other nations as well.