Now Wow How Connection

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After spending time in a German school yesterday, I was able to piece together the similarities and differences between our school systems. 


  • Focused on student achievement and gaining the best opportunities for students.  
  • Teachers used a student centered approach, which incorporated more communal activities and less lecturing. 
  • Students are tracked for their performance by assigned grades. 


  • German schools use a tracking system that ultimately chooses their educational route from 10 years old. 
  • Teachers are highly regarded and respected in Germany, while also showing respect to their students. 
  • German schools are focused on the group of students, while American school systems tend to be more individualized. (Gifted programming, Special Education services)
  • Schedules vary from day to day in German schools, while American schedules seem to be more restrictive. (half days, 90 and 45 minute classes)


I can think about these similarities and differences when relating to my Now, Wow, How. Are these systems better for ESL and Refugee students in America or Germany? Can there be options for schooling that incorporate a mixture of American and Germany philosophies?

Image result for pictures of german school vs american school