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Times are changing, and changing rapidly. We live in the era of diversity, inclusion, and equality. Thanks to technology, we have more and more access to information and to one another than we ever have before. We’ve gained access to systems and servers to communicate with people from all over the world. Our new generations are much more radical in making their voices heard and adamant about what they believe in, and what they desire. We’ve seen this via protest and the massive increase in use of social media. A monstrous double-edged sword. Because we have greater access to information we have the ability to research and develop our own conclusions of what we don’t really know. What happens if the information we gather, via the internet and social media, is incorrect? After 9/11 when the news swept the nation about the planes flying into the twin towers and trade center. Lets be honest.. Some of us, we didn’t even know what or where Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan was! Or it was so far from our radar that it didn’t even matter. In my experience, it was as if the media portrayed everything about and from these areas were terrorist. That NOTHING good could come from there. We took the actions of about 20 individuals and used it to define an entire country. So much so that anyone that appears to be from the area we monitored them with extra security, or anyone that was Islamic or Muslim we treated with contempt. Instead of speaking with people we identified them as radicals and terrorist without having known them, or giving them the benefit of the doubt. If actions speak louder than words, how should other countries define us based upon our country’s actions? What if you disagreed with the country’s action? Is it fair for someone else to think you support actions because of where you are from? Circa MMXIX.

How could this influx of information be beneficial and detrimental all at once? The beauty of technology providing information allows us to indulge in other cultures but the downfall is when we assume we know everything after a few google searches. Knowledge without application is useless. Talking with someone about slavery is different than speaking with someone that’s experienced it. Having to migrate is different than talking about immigration.

Some time ago this photo surfaced of a father and daughter that drown at a border. Image result for man and daughter washed up on shoreHave you ever had a conversation with someone that was forced to seek refuge in another country? Or a first/second generation immigrant? In the midst of viewing these images or hearing about these events, what if you found out that that person (image) was a distant relative of yours? Would that change your perspective of how you feel about immigration? Its much easier to keep our distance and stay out of the conversation when it hasn’t washed up on our doorstep but what about when it hits home?

There are people in our workplace hurting everyday as a result of things like this. Though you might not relate, how could you empathize? If we truly understood like we claim to maybe we would be less likely to say culturally insensitive things. Rather than assuming because someone speaks Spanish they are Mexican, we would have a conversation greater than skin deep about who they truly are. Maybe we would see and respect the needs of the people around us and seek solutions while they seek refuge.

When we see difference, we see opposition. When we meet opposition, opposition meets a wall. Physical and figurative. Walls that we construct to keep people in and to keep people out. Walls that we create to keep people out and from knowing who we truly are. Closed door policy. We demand trust from others and distrust them.. We’re all selective hypocrites. If we can’t invest, we won’t digest. The lack of knowledge breeds opportunity for growth, learning, and education. It’s ok if you don’t know, and you will never know what you don’t know until you ask the right questions. Relationships create and foster the environments healthy enough to have these conversations.

The rules of engagement.. Seek to understand not to be understood. The world is changing and how it changes affects our work and how we conduct ourselves and business. When you engage with something/someone different, don’t build walls, build bridges.