It’s been a challenging few months for sure as the world has battled the Covid-19 pandemic and the United States has struggled to come to grips with institutional racism.  We have a long way to go on both fronts, but we are making progress.

One of the ways we make progress is the through education, and it’s high time that I stopped to congratulate and thank my seniors.  I usually make this yearly post right after the UR graduation ceremony, so I’m a bit behind.  It’s such a topsy-turvy year.

Congratulations to my graduates!  I’m proud of you!

Kevin Kim – Kevin finished his degree in December of 2019 and now he’s holed up in Colorado preparing to apply to medical schools.

Sam Bottum – Sam will head to UNC-Chapel Hill this fall to start a chemistry Ph.D. program.  The bars on Franklin Street are already quaking with fear.

Grant Dixon – Grant plans to learn how to be a cowboy now that he can speak German, and after that he’s off to the University of Washington for grad school.

Dani Sklar – Dani is heading to Chapel Hill as well, where it will be her job to coach the UNC women’s soccer team (no pressure – they already have 21 NCAA titles) while she works on her chemistry Ph.D.

A big thank you from me to the four of you.  My research students are the highlight of my career, and you’re no exception.  I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavors!

The Graduation That Couldn’t Be Stopped

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