My favorite commercial is the 2012 One Direction commercial for Pepsi during the Super Bowl. I am the perfect target audience as I was at the time and still am a huge One Direction fan. The ad shows the band share a Pepsi with football player Drew Brees, branching together two very different demographics of people. I love the branching together of teenage girls and football fans into one commercial–it’s a rare occurrence. It makes me a one direction fan, want to drink a Pepsi with a Drew Brees fan/ other football fans. Pepi has a habit of contracting celebrities for their commercials to show that celebrities drink our soda so you should too. I never want to drink Pepsi, but this ad makes me crave a cold Pepsi, so I guess Pepsi has accomplished their goal. Also, this ad has over 3 million views on YouTube, showing the power of including celebrities in ones advertisements.

One thought on “

  1. Evie Hanson

    I completely agree! Obviously Pepsi and Coca-Cola are in a huge competition with one another, so I think it’s interesting to see how their advertisements differ particularly with Pepsi typically hiring large, well-know celebrities for all of their ads in order to catch the audience’s eye. I think using celebrities is certainly an interesting advertising technique and not always the most effective as people may not always know them or be the biggest fans, but as you said if you are a fan of the celebrity/celebrities then it does make you double think about buying a Pepsi (which is a big thing for a die-hard coke fan like myself).

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