Blog 4/22

This past year has been incredibly difficult for almost everyone. I have oftentimes found myself complaining about how it was unfair that I was going through my college experience during a pandemic. And yes, maybe it is unfair, but I always force myself to take a step back and realize that I am very fortunate to be here. The fact that we are at college alone is a privilege — we get to step out into the real world miles ahead of others (the global 1%). Because of this, we need to make the most of it that we can by taking the time to study meaningful topics. This is why I chose Jepson as one of my majors. We are given the tools to begin fixing the problems that we see, not just acknowledging that they are there. And even better, we can spend this time learning to go out into the world and help others in the direction of change. Like Dr. Bezio mentioned in the podcast, this stuff isn’t easy. We have seen the uglinesses of our country, our world, and even our University fully this past year. But being here is the first step towards meaningful change and using our privilege to help, instead of falling into the same cycle of the top staying ahead, getting further and further from those that were miles behind from the start. I am grateful for Jepson and I am grateful for those studying it besides me, willing to take the risk of an “unsafe” major in order to gain a different set of skills that will hopefully allow us to lead all of us in “filling the ponds”.

4 thoughts on “Blog 4/22

  1. Caitlin Doyle

    I think this is a really good take on the Leadership Studies major and how it applies to our current world. This past year for me has made me even more sure of my desire to pursue a Leadership Studies major, for with the COVID-19 pandemic, BLM protests of the summer, and continued ignorance of UR in reference to re-naming the buildings, there is a current, drastic need for acknowledging and addressing social justice issues, and working towards obtaining true equality, and equity, for all.

  2. Oona Elovaara

    You are exactly right that we are really lucky to even be going to college right now. Of course we are not in the most ideal situation, but I don’t think anyone around the world has been in the last year. Some people have lost their homes, jobs, cars, or worst of all, their loved ones and family, whether it was to Covid-19, police brutality, or the on going protests. Even if we compare ourselves to other college students, most colleges did not go back in person at all, and students have spent the entire year at home. We are so lucky to be on campus and to have at least some classes in person, and I think the last year has really made me even more grateful for what I have.

  3. Hannah Levine

    It is so easy to look at how unfair it is that we are losing out on our college experience, but like you and Oona said, we are also so lucky to be able to go to college and learn each day. Especially as Jepson students, I think we will look back at our time in college and appreciate what we got to learn and how we got to apply it to the world around us, as the world around us changed before our eyes.

  4. Josephine Holland

    I appreciate your ability to take a step back an look at things from a wider perspective. I know the pandemic has opened a lot of people’s eyes to injustices that have been going on for a long time, but I hope that it will give us the opportunity to collectively decide to make change

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