Blog Post 4/20

I really liked all of the readings, videos, and podcast for next class! I have never watched the “This is America” or “Formation” music videos before but I have always listened to the songs so I was very surprised and interested to look deeper into the content I am engaging with. Childish Gambino’s music video was kind of like a horror movie or like the reading said, a Grand Theft Auto video game snippet. It was really uncomfortable and sad but that is exactly the point. I remember I read something last semester which said that in order for their to be real change in someone’s perspective or even in society, people need to feel uncomfortable. It is in these moments of horror, shock, and sadness that people actually start to reflect and see why we are feeling this way. This definitely is why This Is America is so profound and important, and how generations to come will definitely study it the way that we study “Alice’s Restaurant”

I thought that song was really interesting and bizarre especially because it was about something so serious like the draft and the Vietnam War. I thought the most interesting part was how the audience was continuously laughing at what the singer was saying because even though it did speak to the inefficiency of the draft, what he was saying and in the way he was saying it was funny. It just showed how flawed the system was back then and especially in a 25 minute song it is just mind blowing to me how popular it was.

4 thoughts on “Blog Post 4/20

  1. Sophia Hartman

    I think they way laughter is used in relation to serious content in “Alice’s Restaurant” and catchy, upbeat sound is used in relation to such a grave message inn Childish Gambino’s “This is America” are part of an interesting phenomenon when we apply comedy or lightheartedness to very serious topics, and I’m curious as to where this practice stems from.

  2. Margot Austin

    I also noticed the audience’s laughter and thought it was strange, but I personally assumed the performance was a type of political comedy like SNL or stand-up comedy today. I wonder if future classes will study the political comedy of today and also think it is strange that we laughed at such serious topics.

  3. Hannah Levine

    I also hadn’t seen the music video for Childish Gambino. It really helps to put into perspective what the song is actually about because just listening to it does not give it the same power or context. I like your point about how change doesn’t happen until we are uncomfortable, and “This Is America” reminds us that we should be uncomfortable with the reality of America.

  4. Kate Lavan

    I thought the laughter during the recording of Alice’s Restaurant was interesting as well. It kind of shows how no matter what time period, everyone can come together and have a laugh about the failures of the country- at least that can bond people together in otherwise serious and sad situations.

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