blog post 04/19

I am a huge music person, so evaluating the history of music, especially its political significance has been very enlightening. As said in the podcast, music has been utilized to convey political messages for hundreds of years, most notably, for me is during the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was an extremely unpopular war and it generated a very high level of discontent among young people, translating into protests. Artists channeled this frustration and anger towards the government into songwriting, and I think that’s a very powerful tool. Still, music continues to be a very powerful source to convey important messages. Beyonce and Childish Gambino are some of the most influential and important artists of our generation  therefore, their position as leaders makes their messages that more influential. Both singers utilize their platforms to call attention to social issues, specifically racism and police brutality. The music videos for “Formation” and “This is America” are still as impactful as the first time I watched them, illustrating their power as symbolic activism through music.

6 thoughts on “blog post 04/19

  1. Madelyn Grassi

    It is pretty impactful the way that someone whose job is to entertain can have such a high standing in the eyes of society when it comes to social issues, and I think that’s a really cool thing. Politicians are divisive and often times only one side listens to what they have to say, but when you have artists like Beyonce and Childish Gambino being activists, people are more likely to listen.

  2. Jennifer Schlur

    I too thought the mention of music during the Vietnam War period was notable. In high school I did a presentation about the Vietnam war and made the background music all music from that period that was making cultural commentary on the war. Today many people may just think they are catchy tunes but when you put them into context they have important significance to society.

  3. John Sinuk

    As another huge music person, I find that when artists proudly display what they believe in the music becomes even more enjoyable. Whether or not you can directly relate to the music or the words, being able to make connections to everyday life events is extremely impactful for listeners. I feel that in this day and age, people fail to remember that music is more than about what will sell. Music is a form on expression that can be extremely powerful.

  4. Miriam Gilman

    I think having music to channel frustration is really powerful and productive. Not only is it something that others can relate and connect to, but it is also (for the most part, hopefully) not harmful to others, at least not physically. I think when you can understand the artist’s emotion and the reason behind the song, it becomes so much better because it is no longer words strung together, but a story. It allows the listener to be transported and understand the artist, almost like reading a diary. This is important for all people, not just famous musicians and I think using music to express emotions should become more common. I also fully agree with the power behind “Formation” and “This Is America” — I still get chills watching those music videos.

  5. Hannah Levine

    It is really interesting to track how music follows social events throughout history. Like the podcast said, the Harlem Renaissance was so important to the growth of jazz music because it was a direct response to Prohibition and discrimination. Similarly, music that came out of the Vietnam War was a direct response to that as well. Now, when I listen to 1920s jazz and Vietnam-era music, like Jennifer said, they are catchy tunes. But in the time period, they had a complete other meaning.

  6. Caitlin Doyle

    I think this is really interesting to think of music as almost a social commentary, and as the songwriter’s way of expressing their own views and concerns about societal problems. With “This Is America”, Childish Gambino uses the song and the music video to raise awareness of the uniquely American issue of gun violence, and the need for gun control. Music is the ability of individuals to share their thoughts, beliefs, and worries with a greater audience through a different medium.

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