post for 4/20

I remembered how much differently I read the yellow wallpaper after discussing the content around it. The first time, I did not really know what to look for or how to approach the writing, but after reading it once I knew what it should’ve been about, i read it so differently. So in approaching today’s work, I wanted to read the evaluations first, to give myself context for the music video. The first thing I thought was interesting was that in her music video “formation” Beyonce and directors made such an obvious point to integrate her specific roots into the video. With Louisiana police cars, references to hurricane Katrina, and other Cajun and Texan references, it definitely set the scene for me to first thing about the deep south. Next, I am glad I read the evaluation first, as it claimed that this music video made a goal of “recentering history around black women”. I think I would have gotten this message even if i had not read the context evaluation before, but i think this had an even greater effect on me because I knew to look for it. Specifically, I found it unique that Beyonce and directors used old white slave time clothing to dress themselves, and create a change from the past, as black women were dressed as white women used to dress in the times of slavery. This video definitely put the focus on the power and authority of the black female, and with or without the context reading, it was very obvious and evident.

One thought on “post for 4/20

  1. Christopher Wilson

    I agree with the points you made about “Formation.” I found it quite unique how Beyonce and her team introduced a different narrative of what life could have been for Black Americans, but more specifically, for Black women who had access to wealth and power.

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