
One of the questions I am curious about is what low culture will become high culture.  As Dr. B said, many high culture was not viewed as high culture when they first came out. I wonder what specifics are needed to become high culture and if there are requirements that need to be met. Also who chooses what is considered low culture and high culture in our current society. How would our society look if some low culture was viewed as high culture in our current society?

Pop culture means that it is trendy for the current time. For time in this scenario, it is always changing meaning that there are always things coming out changing what the new pop culture would be. And the fact that with our current technology, we are able to have the same pop culture across different areas as the same information is shared and can have similar resources. Before there were many individuals that would receive information through others such as word of mouth. There used to be people who would get paid to deliver news to other towns and family members living in other areas when they could not deliver the news themselves.

5 thoughts on “Blog

  1. Oona Elovaara

    I was also curious about the differences between low and high culture in today’s society, and who is really to say what qualifies as high culture and what doesn’t. I also wonder if some things that used to be considered high culture later became low culture. In my post, I also discussed how pop culture is based on what is currently trendy, but that is constantly changing, and it is changing faster than ever now.

  2. Laura Roldan

    You bring up a very good question about the future of low/high culture. I also wonder if “low” culture of our time like pop music will transition into high culture–like, will Taylor Swift be considered as an intellectual, high culture singer. Like you said, it is very interesting that technology has centralized trendy pop culture around the world and has interconnected most communities.

  3. Samuel Shapiro

    I am also interested to see what parts of our “low culture” will transition into “high culture” in the future. I wonder if specific types of culture are more likely to ascend to “high culture” or descend into “low culture.” Is most of television doomed to be “low culture” for all of eternity? Dr. Bezio gave a few examples of music and literature ascending into “high culture” so I wonder if those are the most common types that become high culture.

  4. Caitlin Doyle

    I think it’s an interesting point to think about the transition from low to high culture. With our current media, I think that it would be interesting to see how what we think of as low culture, such as things like rap, etc, when and how it will become high culture in the future.

  5. Judith Witke Mele

    I think what becomes High culture has nothing to do with what should or shouldn’t be high culture. I think both High culture and pop culture are chosen by a random person who has “pull”, whether that be money or popularity.

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