Blog Post 3/17 – Favorite Ad

Every couple of years, this Thai Life Insurance Company puts out an advertisement about small acts of kindness and how much of an impact they can have on your life as well as others. These videos go viral because they are incredibly emotional, this one is one of the less sad and more uplifting of the ones I’ve seen from them.

What I think is so interesting about this ad is that it does not feel like one, it feels like an inspiring self-help story with an ad slate thrown in at the end. This was obviously done on purpose so that the viewer’s lizard brain automatically connects the company with this inspiring and kind ethos. Rather than try to push life insurance, a very unsexy product to market, this company tries to connect its values to the values of the customer: community, kindness, and helpfulness. This resonates with all viewers, not just Thai ones, and bolsters the company’s standing throughout the world. As Dr. Bezio mentions in the podcast, we know cerebrally that this actor most likely does not use this company for his own insurance, (and even if he does, that does not make him lovely and kind automatically) but our lizard brains associate the company with these attributes and think that we will gain them too if we use their products. Overall, I think that this kind of manipulation is acceptable because even if it’s promoting the company, it’s doing so in an incredibly positive way that spreads a valuable message about being more self-less in everyday life.

4 thoughts on “Blog Post 3/17 – Favorite Ad

  1. Miriam Gilman

    I think this commercial is a brilliant marketing strategy. Just like other ads, they are selling an idea, not the actual product. We then associate these products with good things which will make us more likely to buy them. I also think that, while yes it is a kind of manipulation, the message is wholesome and good. Even if people don’t buy their insurance, they are showing the impact of small acts of kindness which leaves the world a better place.

  2. Hiroki Cook

    I remember watching this commercial a couple years ago and remembered it being very moving. I think commercials like these bring into question if manipulation is acceptable even for positive purposes. It’s difficult to say because the message is positive, but it’s also intended to create wealth for the company – that’s the main purpose.

  3. Alejandra De Leon

    This commercial uses a story to convey the message which makes the viewer more invested in the video. This video is one I have seen and you could ask me what it is about while I was watching and I would not have answered life insurance as it was not pushing the company in a forceful way but caused a positive correlation and story to it.

  4. Hannah Burke

    This commercial is much more emotional than most are, and for a reason. Like you said, this ad reaches our lizard brain which makes assumptions about the company that doesn’t have a whole lot to do with the product they are selling. While it is a great marketing strategy, the exploitation of our emotions is kind of upsetting to me.

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