Blog 5 3/17

From the podcast for today, Dr.Bezio discussed to use of music and popularity as a method for catching the idea of the viewers and for them to remember something. There are a lot of ads that use celebrities to show off their products as the new trend or the next best thing. Its common practice that has been used for the longest time. I’d say this is used mostly in the fashion industry or personal care products the most. Using celebrities that are good-looking is an easy way to sell your products and it makes the presentation of the products much better.

The ad that I attached is a fairly recent one with Damian Lillard. If you watch basketball, you probably know who Dame is. He is one of the biggest stars at the moment and is a fairly talented rapper. He did this commercial with Hulu that has about 14 million views on Youtube. I think this is a pretty good example of the two traits that the podcast discussed. The song is actually pretty good and it sticks in your mind. By also using a current popular NBA player you are appealing to a younger demographic, which is also the demographic that would likely subscribe to Hulu. The fact that this commercial instantly popped into my head when listening to the podcast shows its effectiveness.

4 thoughts on “Blog 5 3/17

  1. Sophia Hartman

    I talked about these use of music and the appeal of popular culture in my post as well. The song is definitely very catchy, and I also think its interesting how they combine this with a comedic component where the song keeps being cut off, either by someone explaining different elements or by a scene cut to trying to find a rhyme for “channels.” The way they combine these I think is a another interesting tool to maintain interest and engage a larger demographic, so that even if someone may not know the celebrity or be as likely to be hooked by the song, the addition of a comedic element might engage a broader audience.

  2. Samuel Shapiro

    Why did you choose this particular Hulu has live sports ad? I love all the ads, and the Dame Lilliard one is one of my favorites, I was just curious why it is your favorite? Is it because you love basketball so Lilliard appeals to you more than Baker Mayfield? I know personally if Tom Brady was in an ad I would like it (I still remember his Dodge Dart ad).

  3. Hayley Simms

    This advertisement hits all the buzz items that make our lizard brains happy: it has a catchy song, a famous celebrity endorsement, fun graphics, an easygoing vibe, and even the displays of money appeal to our desire to be wealthy. I think this is a great example of an advertisement that appeals directly to our instincts despite the fact that Hulu has nothing to do with Dame or having more money or music.

  4. Maeve Hall

    This ad is great because it incorporates music and a catchy song that addresses the product, while also talking in more detail about the promotion through the comedic element of him being interrupted. They also show money a lot, which makes our lizard brain feel like there’s a connection between wealth, success, and watching Hulu.

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