Event 1 McWilliams


This Ted Talk is focused on the “power of introverts.” Specifically, Susan Cain discusses how our society values and focuses on extroversion. To display this idea, she gives the example of desk pods in classrooms and workplace structures that constantly favor collaboration and discussion. Cain does not disagree with the benefits of collaboration, but she also explains how we also must understand and value those who do not prefer this method and would rather work alone and individually. Additionally, Cain describes how there is nothing wrong with people who are introverted and may not always want to be surrounded by or engage with a large group. For example, she talks about how she was the kid at summer camp who wanted to read books and did not want to get “rowdy.” Many people, counselors and kids, would ask her what was wrong and would push her to break out of this mindset. However, she was genuinely content with reading her books and remaining mellow.

Cain also talks about introverted leaders and how they can be overlooked. For example, extroverts are more outspoken and dominate conversation. Therefore, they can accrue followers rather easily compared to an introvert. But this does not mean that extroverts are better leaders. It also does not suggest that they have better ideas. Therefore, our assumptions about who is the best leader can not center around who is the most outspoken. In fact, Cain discusses how introverts can even generate better outcomes than introverts because they let their ‘followers’ “run with their ideas”, whereas extroverts, craving stimulation, can get wrapped up in excitement and cut out free thought.

As an extrovert myself, I found this talk very interesting because I really started to notice how biased our world is for extroverts. Therefore, I think that this talk is really important because we need to realize as a society that introverts can make great leaders; we can not always assume great leadership in the most dominant people. Whether introverted or extroverted, one must see the value that each person brings and honor that people act and view things very differently; this difference does not mean “better” or “more equipped”, it just shows differences.