
My favorite ad is an NFL Play 60 ad encouraging kids to get 60 minutes of exercise a day. It stars NFL quarterback Cam Newton and a small child. The ad uses humor to get its point across and for this reason is very memorable. I think that is one of the biggest things advertisers should consider is how well people can remember their ad.  This ad aired years ago and I still remember it, so they accomplished their task.

This ad mainly uses comedy to get its point across. It could possibly be using ad populum as well because it is trying to make it seem like every kid that exercises will grow up to be the next Cam Newton. Still, by using comedy, they get away with it and it is an effective ad.

One thought on “Ad

  1. Megan Brooks

    I remember this ad when I was a kid! I think comedy is a great way to get a point across especially if the ad is targeting children. It is probably why I sill remember the ad campaign!

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