Favorite ad

My favorite brand has and will forever be Nike. As a kid, all of my favorite athletes such as Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Derek Jeter, and many others were sponsored by Nike so I naturally fell in love with the brand. Their saying “Just do it” resonated very much so with me because it can be applied to all facets of life and the way in which to overcome obstacles is not to wait but rather to just begin and start “Just do it”. I am also a huge baseball fan and admire Derek Jeter for the way in which he played the game of baseball in his lengthy career. Jeter has always respected the game of baseball as well as any opponent he came across in his 20-year career. The reason why this ad speaks so much to me is that not only does it encompass Derek Jeter, Michael Jordan, Jon Lester, and my many other favorite athletes and celebrities. It shows a variety of athletes, celebrities, and everyday citizens tipping their cap to Derek Jeter in his final season as a Yankee. Tipping your cap in baseball is a sign of respect as well as a salute to the opponent and is one of the kindest gestures in baseball. It has this underlying message when it shows men, women, children, and celebrities of all different ethnicities and races that no matter who we are we can all agree that Derek Jeter played the game of baseball in the proper manner in his twenty-year career and how that can unite us over our differences.


This time for me has personally been very much so a struggle with my baseball season being ripped away from me and witnessing the same thing happen to all of my fellow athletes around the world/country. Sports to me was my life jacket and is what I had to look forward to at the end of a hard day. Being able to see 35 of my closest friends. Sports have the ability to unite people from different backgrounds, religions, races, and socio-economic classes. After the 9/11 terrorist attack and the Boston bombing, the New York Mets and the Boston Bruin’s hosted games at their respective stadiums and both crowds were erupting in USA chants. Rather than the fans cheering against one another, they were cheering with one another and those cheers were directed towards the United States of America. The same thing applies with the Derek Jeter commercial everyone puts aside their differences and all come into one in-group about the level of respect they have for Derek Jeter as well as his greatness.


One thought on “Favorite ad

  1. Donald English

    Similarly, I have seen ESPN currently running ads directed at uniting us all under the umbrella of sports during this trying time of the coronavirus. I also find these types of ads very powerful and people do not realize the impact sports can have on our lives.

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