My favorite ad series is the snickers, “You aren’t when you are hungry”. I love how the Ad Campaign took a literal twist on the trite phrase by having the people who are hungry be actual different people. My favorite part is the ending lines:

Jan: Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.
Carol: Jan, this isn’t about you.
Jan: It never is!
Steve Buscemi really nailed that! I think what makes this commercial hilarious and memorable
is the running joke even to the end. Also, ad campaigns tend to stick more such as flo, snickers
and doritos. 

One thought on “

  1. Alexandra Smith

    I also like the running joke commercials. In my blog post, I talked about GEICO because they’ve done a very good job of keeping the same punch lines alive, just like Snickers. Snickers is also really good at bringing in familiar faces of celebrities like Steve Buscemi which adds to the recognition.

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