4/8 reading response

I think that the Harvey questions are super important when you are leading a group. One that I was particularly interested in was the Why do we care question. I think that that is something that a lot of people don’t look at when they are leading. They either don’t know or can’t effectively communicate to their followers why they care about doing something that the leader tells them to do. With COVID-19 it is pretty clear why people are saying to stay inside and social distance, its to save lives, but not every problem in the world is that straight forward. There are nuances and different opinions that go into it. A lot of politics is trying to answer why. Though it may seem like they are trying to decide how will we get there, but they are arguing why people should care about different things. The republican party is trying to share why everyone should care about protecting the second amendment and the democratic party is trying to explain that guns now are different than guns during the revolutionary period, therefore, the rules should be different.

I was thinking about this when I was reading the Bezio article. Back in Shakespearian times, kings did not have to explain themselves to anyone and there was no one holding them accountable. This is why there were so many issues with monarchies not doing what was best for their people and doing what was best for themselves and their nobility. I’m not sure if that was because they didn’t have to explain themselves to their followers or if they really only cared about the high-class people, but it still lead to lots of issues in countries with monarchies.

One thought on “4/8 reading response

  1. Olivia Ronca

    I think your dissection of the “why we care” question is interesting and I agree with it. In some cases, it is obvious to the general public and their leader about why it is necessary to care about something, such as your COVID-19 example. But with your other example of gun control, what are ways that people can begin to make it more obvious to not only their party, but the other, about why their standpoint is important and why they should care?

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