Response 3-22-20

In the Von Rueden and Van Vugt article, I was particularly struck by looking at leadership from an evolutionary perspective. I think that there are definitely certain leadership traits which have evolved to most effectively benefit leaders and to bring them to success but before this reading I had not given any thought to what would benefit leaders the most and what we have evolved to view as effective leadership or charisma. Specifically, the concept of evolutionary mismatch is not one that is oftentimes discussed but can be very relevant.

The evolutionary mismatch regarding leadership and its effectiveness reminds me of how ever changing leadership styles and how when people evolve to be inclined towards certain types of leaders and leadership styles eventually something shifts such as moving from a small society with a group of mostly kin to an entire country. The leaders who were most effective years ago at the dawn of society will not actually be the most effective leaders today, but we are most inclined to think that they would be based on inherent evolutionary perspectives.

One thought on “Response 3-22-20

  1. Caitlyn Lindstrom

    I thought this concept of “evolutionary mismatch” is really interesting, as it is not logically sound to base a vote on physical appearance; however, SSS leadership helps us to understand why decisions are reduced to those abstract feelings.

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