Prescription Requirements

The arguments presented by Flanigan were interesting to me because I am writing my research paper about the access to healthcare.  I believe we should increase access to healthcare, but I also understand the importance of having prescription laws. I don’t entirely agree with Flanigan’s argument because I believe that prescription laws prevent those from abusing medications and drugs, which can lead to an OD epidemic. However, I feel that if people cannot access to prescriptions, they will find any way to get it (i.e, the black market). People will get the medication regardless if they have a doctor’s approval or not. I have very mixed feelings about much access people should have to dangerous drugs.

One thing I believe should be mentioned more about this argument is those who do not have the access to refuse the medication.  If a patient was diagnosed with Diabetes and their doctor recommended them to take Insulin, what would happen if the patient did not have the finances to pay for insulin? They would take the Insulin but cannot afford it- is that risky refusal? Insulin prescription has skyrocketed and has become very expensive for many people to continue to take. This has led to many not taking the medication not because they do not want to but because they are unable to; it has also led many to find the medication other ways than through a doctor, or find a completely other alternative. How does this affect a doctor on giving a patient informed consent?



2 thoughts on “Prescription Requirements

  1. Antonia Kempe

    I would also like to hear more about those who don’t have access to refuse medication. I’m allergic to cashews (not fatally), but we’ve stopped buying epinephrine because it’s too expensive and it’s unlikely I would have a reaction bad enough to require it. Then again, I haven’t eaten anything with cashews in it for four years, so I have no idea if my allergy has gotten worse and would actually need me to have epinephrine on hand. If something like that did happen, it would be unfair that I didn’t have the medicine just because it was too expensive.

  2. Joseph Walton

    I think that your point that even if people are restricted from getting prescriptions they will find a way to get them is very accurate. I often refer to this logic when talking about gun control. Considering most guns that are involved in crimes are unregistered, people will always find a way to access what they want no matter what the law.

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