Effective August 1, 2017, Mobile Learn will be removed from all app stores.  After August 31, 2017, Blackboard will no longer support Mobile Learn. Clients should transition now to the Blackboard app for students (available now) and the Blackboard Instructor app for educators (scheduled for release next week.  These two applications offer an enhanced, user-centric mobile experience that puts critical teaching and learning tools right in users’ hands.  All users can expect increased efficiency with our simplified workflows built to complete on the go.

Mobile Learn refers to Blackboard’s mobile application that allows students and instructors to access Learn from their mobile devices.  Mobile Learn was released in 2011 and made available to Blackboard Learn customers with a mobile license.  To provide students and instructors with an enhanced experience, Blackboard has developed two new applications designed to better meet the needs of students and instructors – Blackboard Blackboard Instructor.  The Blackboard app is currently available on the Apple App, Google Play and Windows Stores and Blackboard Instructor is scheduled to release globally on the Apple App and Google Play Stores next week.

Important Dates:

  • Now:  The Blackboard app is available globally on the Apple App, Google Play and Windows Stores
  • July 2017: The Blackboard Instructor app is scheduled to release globally on the Apple App and Google Play Stores
  • August 1, 2017:  Mobile Learn is scheduled for removal from app stores
  • August 31, 2017:  Support for Mobile Learn is scheduled to end

Impact to Current Mobile Learn Users:

Current Mobile Learn users will continue to have access to Mobile Learn after is has been removed from app stores and after support ends.  However, Blackboard cannot guarantee continued usability of the application.  Apple has indicated that 32-bit apps, of which Mobile Learn is, will not be supported on future versions of iOS.