Fall 2021 PSYC300 Poster Session

This semester, the Beyond Categories Lab had, as always, an amazing group of students. The students in the PSYC 300 course not only won the Methods Bowl, but also did an incredible job presenting their research at the PSYC 300 Final Poster Session. Everyone put so...

Natalie Benham

Natalie BenhamNatalie Benham (Class of 2023) is a junior from Smithfield, VA. She is double majoring in Biology and Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience. After graduation, she is planning on continuing her education for Neuropsychology, and hopes to...

Jasmin Rubiera

Jasmin RubieraJasmin Rubiera, Class of 2023, is pursuing a B.S. in Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience and a minor in Biology. She is interested in the way the brain influences human behaviors. After graduation, she hopes to attend law school and become an...