Food and Climate Change

Climate change is one of the global issues that has significantly affected various aspects of human life, such as global food security. The negative effects of climate change have led to the decline of quantity, variety, as well as accessibility of the current food produced in different regions of the world. Therefore, it is the goal of our group’s display to promote awareness of the nexus between climate change and global food security under the theme of “Foods We May Lose”. Our group primarily focuses on the three sub-topics: livestock,produce, and fish industries. In order to  to provide a clear and concise visual for the visitors, we decided to create a poster board that summarizes ideas and specific examples according to each category that we researched. In addition to this, our poster board also provides information about scholarly resources that we used to compose this display.


Figure 1. Our team


Figure 2. Our Poster Board



Figure 3. Interactive session with visitors

In addition to this, we believe that wasting food is another anthropogenic factor that may lead to the loss of our existing foods, particularly in terms of quantity and accessibility. So, why don’t we try to be more mindful of foods that we currently have and don’t waste them? Moreover, food waste that ends up in landfill also produces methane that amplifies the greenhouse effect (i.e. climate change). The negative feedback goes as the following:

More food waste —> More landfill —> More methane —> More greenhouse gasses —> More climate change —-> More foods that we may lose!

This idea is covered in the following video about food waste made by a member of our group.





The purpose of this project is to show how climate change will reduce production and profits in the livestock, produce, and fish industries. Climate change impacts the production, accessibility, stability, diversity, and utilization of food. It is crucial that further research is conducted to find feasible ways to adjust to increasing soil erosion, changes in temperature, increasing carbon dioxide emissions, and extreme weather (Pimentel, 1997). Unsustainable farming practices are dangerous and will result in the decline of public health. As non-organic pesticides are used, and rainfall intensity increases, there is a higher chance of nitrogen runoffs and algae blooms, creating dead zones bodies of water (Diaz & Rosenberg, 2016). Excessive fertilizer use also alters and exhausts the land at faster rates than sustainable practices. As a result, farmers are forced to relocate their production and either dramatically increase or decrease prices, impacting the consumer and putting businesses at risk. Undoubtedly, the food industry and food security are affected by climate change. The predicted increasing temperatures are a catalyst for an incessant cycle of food shortages throughout the world. The predicted negative effects of climate change will force individuals and governments to reconsider how food is distributed to those in need; food prices will increase and families must adjust how they spend their discretionary income (Perner). If climate change continues to be a threat to livestock, produce, and fish, healthy and natural food options will become a rarity, therefore increasing the likelihood of putting small scale, local farms out of business. Consumers will not be able to afford healthy items, therefore leading to the expansion of corporate control. Further, unconsumed food typically ends up in landfills, causing anthropogenic emissions of methane (Miller et al., 2013).



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