Borairi, S., Plamondon, A., Rodrigues, M., Sokolovic, N., Perlman, M., & Jenkins, J. (2023). Do siblings influence one another? unpacking processes that occur during sibling conflict. Child Development, 94(1), 110-125. doi:
This article introduces Sahar Borairi, a professor in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto, and Andre Plamondon, a professor in the Department of Foundations and Practices in Education. Together with their colleagues, they investigated conflict among siblings and how they came to resolution. Furthermore, this study does a great job differentiating the differences in how conflict begins and is resolved through various lenses of older-younger, same-age, and younger-older sibling conflict. This article does not explicitly focus on Black families and has a low representation of Black participants, but it may inform our understanding of our future participants who have delicate or non-existent relationships with their siblings and how they resolved– or didn’t resolve—conflict.
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